
Friday, April 5, 2019

Math DLO

In Te Ngahere we have been learning how to double and half hard multiplication problems e.g 18 x 7. Do not do doubling and halving on basic facts you should know them. After we had completed a practice sheet we had to plan and create a math DLO. For this DLO we had to explain it clear so everyone could understand the DLO. Some of my DLO had arrays because they helped us work out the problem if we couldn’t quite figure the equation out and it also made it clear to understand, but some of it was writing and I had to fix it up a few times until I made it better and I still am. We also had to create another DLO that was trebling and thirding. The point of doubling and halving, trebling and thirding was it made the hard equation easy. Something I enjoyed about this whole strategy was when we had to fill out the practice activity. I think I need to improve making the DLO’s, and speed up making my DLO’s. I think I did the practice sheets well and planning of my DLO.


  1. Hello my name is Manu from kawakawa primary school i am 11 year old first of you can a lot of paragraph it's cool that yous are learning problem solve time table. Sorry i can not say no more about your blog it is very cool.

  2. Hey my name is Florence I am a year 8 student at Kawakawa Primary School. I have just seen your post about the maths you have been doing in class I really enjoyed looking at what you have learnt and I have found it really interesting and I have learnt many new things just from reading your blog post and it was really fun to read. Something you could have done was put in photos of your class or the problem you had to work with but other than that i thought it was really interesting.
    Come check out my blog:
    Have a nice day♡

  3. Hey Franky I was just going through the class blog and I was just thinking that if you would add a picture it would make it easier for us commentators to understand.
