
Thursday, September 24, 2020

The best Google music ever


 In Te ngahere we have been doing google music lab. In google music lad you make your own beats and music with different  we use the Rhythms and other like. I enjoy doing the google music lab because you can make different music and beats. It was hard because you had to put these dots on the lines to make the music or beats. Thank you for reading my blog. Have you ever did google music lad? chrome music lab

Unbelievable Art

 Today in Te Ngahere we have been doing art called calendar art. It is a faint design on a piece of paper and you can't see it properly It’s just a practice sheet. Once your design is good enough and we’ve done a lot of practise, the teacher gives us  a bigger piece of paper for our good copy and be used for our calendar. These are the rules for these lessons. Draw continuous lines, curves and rule straight lines. Next we select colours for effect and we blend the colours. The hardest bit for me was drawing the patterns. Have you drawn art with your teacher before?

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fast Track Your Knowledge On Measuring Perimeter And Area

For the last few weeks here in Te Ngahere we were separated into groups of 2-3 and we have been doing different tasks every week. This week my group got to try out “Measuring Window” and in this task we had to measure the perimeter and area of different sized windows and then try to figure out why the windows each cost the amount of money they did (they were in pounds). When doing this task I found it really easy and interesting because we got to see the difference in prices when buying windows.

Have you ever tried finding the perimeter and area of different shapes?

Here is our DLO to show how we worked out the problem.

Fantastic Bottle Rockets

 Last week in Te ngahere we did the final launcher of owl rockets with Gustavo and Troy. My groups rocket want 19.7 we came 6th of 10 groups we were in second ones but got put down to 6th the furthest was 79.4 in went so far. 1th 2ht and 3th got a chocolate and the first to deploy your parachute got a chocolate or a lollipop.

Through The Window.

This week in Te Ngahere we have been learning how to find and measure perimeter and area in 2 dimensional shapes. Here is a screencastify to show my work. I found it hard at first because I didn't know how to find the perimeter and area but once I got taught how to it was really easy. Do you know how to find perimeter and area?             

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Fun P.E Drills

 In Te Ngahere we have been learning a game called Ki o rahi. My teacher Whaea Shanna takes half of the class out for a game, Then the other half is taking out the next day. How to play ki o rahi is simple first you get in a team. Then one person in your team that goes and stand by this cone as the player is running then you have to rip the tag off the other person that is not in your team. Two people have to be in the middle to guard the post because if the ball hits the post then that team gets a point.Have you played Ki o rahi before?

Behind the Scenes

  In Te Ngahere we have been making movies for the film festival. The movies had to be three minutes long. Our movie was about the end of the world. Something I enjoyed was being able to make the movie with my friends. Something I could do better next time is not to muck around. Something I would change about our movie would be what our movie was about. I had a great time and I wish I could film another movie. If you want to watch our movie here it is. Have you made movies before?

Here is my movie

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Fantastic bottle rockets

 In Te Ngahere we have been building rockets for the last 7 to 8 weeks with  gustav and Troy they help us make the rockets . to make a bottle rocket you need a 1.5 liter bottle, glue gun,tape and a craft knife. To make your rocket go further you put so fins and glue them or tape them. My group got 18.1 metres. The highest was group 67.2. I hope you enjoy my blog post.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Check Out These Great Pe Drills

In Te- Ngahere we have been doing some Pe drills.

In the Pe drills you have to pass the ball

to the other person.

I really enjoyed it because then I can practice

passing the ball and throwing the ball.

You have to but on some ripper tags as well so then

it is hard for you to get a touchdown.

It was hard because it was raining and the ball was

a small ball. Have you done some great Pe Drills?   

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Math DLO that will blow your mind!

For the past few weeks in Te Ngahere we have been learning to do equivalent  fractions. We had to solve a sheet called fraction frenzy, I found these questions really fun to do but some of them were quite challenging. After we had solved the sheet we had to redo the first two questions on a piece of paper in a pair or group, I chose to be in a pair with my friend, Fern. We started by cutting out all of the fractions and glueing them in the correct places on an A3 paper. After that we could either make a math DLO together and screencastify it individually OR we could make it separately and screencastify it individually. I chose to do it by myself and screencastify by myself. We were doing this to share our learning and show that we actually know how to do the math.

Do you enjoy learning math?

Autumn@Paihia School