
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Mind Blowing facts about our T Ball.

 This term in Te Ngahere we have been learning how to play T Ball. The rules to T Ball are when you hit the ball you have to run even if you are already on a base. When there are no more chances to get anybody out the backstop shouts ball in and they get ready for the next batsman. Every time somebody makes it to home base then the batting team get one home run. After everyone on the batting team has a go at batting they switch over. When we played we batted first and got 7 points and when it was our teams time to bat I was the backstop. Robert was the backstop the whole entire game to get someone out because one of the people clipped the ball so I got it and put the ball on homebase before the runner did. In the end my team won the score was 11 to us and 7 to the other team. I really enjoyed the game because it was fun to play. Have you ever played T Ball  before?

Boys T-Ball

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