This week and last week we did our maths on perimeter and area. We learnt how to use it and what you can use it for and we got to teach it to other people using screencastify. Screencastify is this thing that we use to take a video of how we learn things and how we did our maths. I think maths is really fun and interesting. I like using perimeter and I already knew what that sort of was but I didn’t know what area was so I had to learn it before I even did anything. So I learnt it and now I know that cm xcm = square cm and same with other measurements. I did area this week and perimeter last week. Have you learnt perimeter and/or area before?
Kia ora Yazmin, I thought your presentation slides on perimeter and area using screen castify were really good.I noticed the confidence in your voice as you talked, that made me smile. I'm looking forward to more screen castify mahi from you. Ka pai to mahi