Summer Learning Journey
Due to Covid 19 our school has closed and we are lucky enough
to have chromebooks and using our chromebooks we do digital
learning from home. This week we did something called a
Summer Learning Journey. With this specific SLJ activity we
had 10 countries. We then chose one out of the ten countries
we would like to visit then we had to justify why we chose that
country and then write 3 facts about that country. I ended up
picking Australia out of the 10 Countries.
The easy part of this SLJ was definitely why I would want to visit Australia because justifying my answer was easy but finding the different facts we're hard because I found facts but they were already on the site we used and we had to find different facts. Do you know any fun facts about Australia?
to have chromebooks and using our chromebooks we do digital
learning from home. This week we did something called a
Summer Learning Journey. With this specific SLJ activity we
had 10 countries. We then chose one out of the ten countries
we would like to visit then we had to justify why we chose that
country and then write 3 facts about that country. I ended up
picking Australia out of the 10 Countries.
Good effort, Gail. I did not know the dingo fence is longer than the Great Wall of China. Did you know Australia was named Terra Australis (meaning southern land) by the explorer Matthew Finders. It was later shortened to Australia. NZ does not actually belong to Australia but if it did maybe we could call it - West Island :)