Being a senior, I was given an extra subject called ‘technology’. I would go to Moerewa School with the rest of my class almost every Friday. There was two different classes, Mr Edwards was the teacher of Woodwork and Miss Bowles was the cooking teacher.
In woodwork I made a Maori Patu, I also learnt that I had to always wear shoes, not jandals because it’s not safe. There is a lot of heavy machinery and sharp tools, and you could get really hurt if something sharp or heavy fell on your feet.
In cooking I made a lot of food, But most of my food got thrown out because there was rules in the cooking class and if you broke them, Miss Bowles would throw it out. I also learnt how to work a stove for the first time in my life, that’s a good thing because I will have to learn how to use one when I am an adult.
Maybe next year I could try and learn how to do what I am told, so I don’t miss out on learning new stuff.
By Iesha.
In our woodwork class the first lesson we had was about safety, the names of the machines and tools and how you used them. Listening to Mr E was very important as we had to follow his instructions so that we didn’t injure ourselves and others. This was the same in cooking because we had to know exactly what we had to use otherwise our recipe would a failure and this would be a waste of food.
Cooking with Whaea Dot was fun. We were making lots of different foods. I learnt a lot of life skills because now I can make my own dinner when I leave home, plus I won’t chop off my finger when I’m cutting or dicing up food.
I really liked technology because it’s where I can make things I like. I mostly liked woodwork because once I know what I want to make, I can just draw it and then I would show Mr E and I will ask him nicely for the materials and tools I need. Mr E would get the materials and then I would focus on my work projects until I have finished. I really enjoyed woodwork because I would just go into my own world; design my creations and build them.
My learning highlights, was when I made my wooden jet. I liked it because it was a challenge to make in four days. It was also a pleasure to have Whaea Dot and Mr E teaching me their different knowledge about food and creations because this subject helps me to problem solve.
By Ryan
In the first ten weeks of technology I attempted cooking with Whaea Dot and in the second ten weeks I built objects out of wood, and metal with Mr E. The learning that took place was using all the equipment and machinery and building different types of projects and cooking different types of food. Technology is one of the best subjects that I enjoyed in my education curriculum.
The skills that had been taught to us are to prepare us for the future. We learnt to listen and respect our teachers and to act safely around tools and cooking equipment. These skills will be with me so I can use them as an adult. Another reason these skills are important because I never listen to my family and siblings/sometime’s teachers and I need to use this important skill if I want to be employed.
I was happy with our last session of cooking and I was very happy with the final outcome because my lasagne tasted and smelt nice. Even my teacher wanted to eat it.
In the end I was glad we had an opportunity to go to technology at Moerewa School because at other schools, they don’t go to technology.
By Anihera
On Fridays, my class and I had technology in Moerewa. My first class was woodwork and I spent ten weeks in that class, then swapping over to cooking for the last 10 weeks.
The first ten weeks in woodwork was good, I learnt how to use my imagination to create and I also I learnt how to think more and more which gave me great pieces of end work.
I had no idea that I could be so creative in cooking and in woodwork. Mr. E made us think, he made us create our own projects. I learnt that I could make anything that popped up in my head.
But then in cooking I also really enjoyed myself, because I loved the fact that Whaea Dot, sometimes made us complete test, for example, we needed to invent something that would taste nice, and also had a good range of nutrients. So in one of my tests I decided to make a sort of spaghetti pasta with bolognese and homemade sauces. Yummy! It turned out delicious.
So maybe if another day I get a chance to go to woodwork and cooking, I would definitely go and learn more about this subject. I really appreciated Mr. E and Whaea Dots time as they taught me new skills that I will need as an adult. As a matter of fact in life when you leave home you eventually cook for your family and you will always have to repair something too. So I really did enjoyed going to technology.
By Nicole
My first couple of weeks in woodwork and cooking with whaea Dot and Mr Edwards was marvellous! I appreciated the use of facilities and the opportunities I was given to use them. I am grateful that I had the learning facilities to help me to produce amazing work. I learnt that these classes would help me to become a more proactive person with these specific tools in my daily life.
Throughout woodwork and cooking I have learnt how to build, measure and even to cook! I think that going to technology is going to help me become a successful person because I have learnt the life skills that we need to know. I have evaluated what I need to know, also I have learnt how to use equipment properly and know the names of them.
I was very satisfied with the work that I produced, I didn't think that I could do this but with the determination from my teachers and myself, I had presented some really good artistic projects, like my breakfast tray, letters, chimes and the best food I made was homemade pasta from scratch. I was really proud that I could build or even produce something amazing and to me it was mind blowing. I was happy with the lessons that I got taught, even my mum was very proud of me and even said, ‘’did you really make that?”
In my last technology class, I had a few highlights they were, working as a team learning how to recraft old things to new. I learnt how to be careful and safe around equipment. Thank you Whaea Dot and Mr E, I've learnt so much using all the technology equipment and machines.
By Taimana
During the first ten weeks of Technology, we started off with Cooking classes and our teacher was Whaea Dot. In our second ten weeks of Technology, we went to woodwork classes, our teacher was Mr E/ Mr Edwards. We learnt how to cook and create amazing workshop projects. We learnt how to do this because it took a lot of skills in listening and working with equipment and machines. Having to learn these skills prepares us for the future.
In cooking classes and woodwork classes we learnt a lot of valuable life lessons such as, problem solving, cooking, safety, teamwork and understanding processes by following instructions and recipes. But there were three life skills that stood out to me the most, and that was evaluating what I had created, listening and teamwork skills.
At the end of Technology I was very happy with my final lesson and the outcome of cooking lasagne and making a surfboard and a surfboard holder. By using my problem solving skill I was able to fix up some of the mistakes I had made during our cooking and woodwork classes.
In the last term of technology I had a few learning highlights, they were:
- Learning new future focused skills.
- Cooking food creatively.
- Learning to work as a team.
- Creating amazing wooden and plastic objects.
By Aquilla.